mom mail.

emails sent to friends and family from my mother while I was at inpatient rehab for a month

I moved to Savannah, GA in October 1996 from a small town in IOWA to obtain my masters degree from SCAD (The Savannah College or Art & Design). My entire family still resides in Iowa. I was very fortunate that my mother was able to come to Savannah immediately upon hearing of The Stroke. She stayed for two months, thru inpatient rehab, my return home, and for a month of at-home rehab. These are her letters emails home.

She doesn’t get All the details right 😉 but I’m placing them here as her record of what happened.

1.   02/07/21

2.  02/08/21

3.  02/09/21

4.  02/10/21

5.  02/11/21

6.  02/13/21

7.  02/17/21

8.  02/23/21

9.  03/01/21

10.  03/07/21

11.   03/16/21

12.  04/23/21