Facebook post.

One year - 02/03/21

Today is my I’m still alive day.

One year ago today ( last night ), after shattering my collarbone, and only a few hours before surgery, My words slurred and I lost movement in my right arm and leg. I was rushed to the hospital. I had a stroke.

It hit my brain in five places. I was left paralyzed on my ( dominant ) right side. I spent the next month in inpatient rehab learning to walk. I was not able to attempt much therapy on my right arm as I was still recovering from a postponed surgery.

Today I walk with a cane and am still recovering use of my shoulder and hand. I was fortunate my speech returned quickly, and that mentally I am still the same. I will be spending the next few months back-and-forth from Charleston MUSC for research studies & to help with further recovery. ( If you know anyone there with a room to stay… ) I am still not able to drive… yet.

I guess I didn’t tell many people because I thought I would be that person who got better quickly. I was not looking for sympathy. But after a year of recovering, I figured I should finally tell those whom I don’t often get to see…what has been happening in my life.

And also because I finally want to publicly THANK EVERYONE that sent cards and flowers and gifts and food and prayers to me while I was in the hospital ( for my birthday ) and after I returned home…. and my mother for coming from Iowa immediately and staying to take help me for two months, she was at the hospital every day. And I especially want to thank friends that have taken time from their days to trek me to rehab and dr visits. You have made this awful thing … better …knowing I am loved.

Today is my I’m still alive day.

Facebook post.

Two years - 02/03/22

I guess it’s two years gone by now …

Update: I walk without a cane most of the time now. It’s not pretty or fast, but I am still improving. I can drive! The collarbone fracture has had a lasting effect, as I am not yet able to fully raise my arm. But I have started to paint again.

Recovery from the stroke is taking longer than I ever imagined, but progress is progress. There are so many things I would have done differently (like not go head first off a horse!) and things I wish I knew earlier in this process. BUT I cannot think like that. A stroke is literally a head game … and a positive mindset and positive people take you farther … in every situation.

I wish that I had recorded more of my progress … my recovery timeline. Not that I thought anyone needed / wanted to hear about it … what I Didn’t know was that I would need it to show Me my progress. So I could look back and say “look you couldn’t do this last year. Keep going.

So I am starting a blog about my experience, those things that I know now … and my return to painting. Good friends encouraged me to put it out there. Maybe it could inspire someone in their own journey. Things are different now. Gone is the realism. Abstract art was something I couldn’t do before. I’ll post when my new website is up.

Two years ago today.

Strokaversary is a thing IYKYK. But I’m sticking to my “I’m still alive day. t.